Nov 24, 2008
Great Sunday!
O.k….Work wasn’t that bad this weekend. Saturday was sort of busy, but nothing we couldn’t handle. Sunday though, Sunday was a good day.
Work was really slow, as in I took four calls in two hours. So I asked my manager if I could go home early and he said sure. So I was out at 11:30a. So the wife and I decided to go run some errands together and get something to eat. While I was waiting for her to get ready, my mother called and asked if I wanted to get my Christmas gift early. We all ready decided that it was a nice new 26 in LCD TV a few months back, but I had no idea it was going to be mine that day…super duper! She also paid for lunch too.
So now here is where the fun begins. With the new TV, I’m taking the smaller (19 inch LCD) TV that was in our living room and putting that into my room. See, my wife is a photographer and does a lot of nude stuff. As you can guess, the models don’t really want me around while the shoot is going on, and neither does my wife. So now, I can go to my room and do all sorts of things! Play on my Xbox, play with my turntables, work my jigsaw puzzle or just watch a movie. This was the whole reason of getting a two bed room apartment, so I can have my own romper room. Normally I would just sit and work my puzzle. That’s fine and all, but I can’t sit there on my hard folding chair for too long.
Oh yeah, and the Wild lost Saturday. 2-1 to the Columbus Bluejackets. Booooo! What the hell is a bluejacket anyways?
She and Mrs. Jones
Stupid Work,
Nov 21, 2008
What's on tap for Supertoyz
I work this weekend, that sucks. I hate it because it’s very hard to tell if it’s going to be busy or not. I work in a call center that takes incoming calls from all over the US, so I can’t just look outside and judge the customer flow based on the local weather. I could do that pretty well when I worked in a video store.
I will be at the Nine Inch Nails show this coming Tuesday at the Target Center. I imagine that will be a roaring good time. I was able to score floor seats for my wife and her friend…lame. Me and my brother will be on the first level and that’s just fine by me. I mean I’d love to be on the floor, but I almost think that I will have just as good of time where I’m at. This is only my third arena show, I rather see my music at a small club like First Ave or Quest. Speaking of small clubs, I’ll have to check out their calendars and see who’s coming to town. My last small venue show was K.M.F.D.M. That’s was a fucking awesome show. I’d go again if they come back.
I think that’s all for now. If I think of anything else, I’ll keep it to myself and post it later if I can remember.
Robot Love
First Ave,
Nine Inch Nails,
Stupid Work
Nov 14, 2008
Life without hard.
Big disappointment this week in television. My area was hit with the first real showing of winter. Freezing rain, sleet and snow was enough to mangle the satellite connection to my TV. Most of my Tuesday and Wednesday shows were scrambled. Kind of like when you tried to watch the Spice channel and you had to look really hard to really see anything. But when you did it was oh so glorious. O.k., not quite like that, same concept though, but more digital. Some of my Thursday shows were botched too. I can get some of them online so that's a bonus. Lets see...Fringe, America's Next Top Model, Survivor, CSI: Vegas, The Ultimate Fighter, Dirty Jobs...all crap. I think there are a couple more, but I forget. That's why I DVR everything. Oh yeah, the Wild game last night, that was crap too. But I heard they won, go team!
Oh yeah, I missed the first episode of Top Chef. I hope Bravo replays it eight more times before next week. But if you know Bravo like I do, they will. I'm not worried.
The Crablouse
Nov 10, 2008
Wet and Wild weekend
Well, after another not so exciting weekend, I only have a few items to report.
Friday: H (my wife) went to see her little brother in a school play. That was awesome because it gave me a change to catch up on NHL 09 and listen to what she calls "eh" music. I love it though so who cares? FIGHT THE POWER! Actually it was Icon of Coil, Crystal Method and Fluke. Not really your FIGHT! type of music.
School plays aren't really my thing, but I kind of wished I went because it sounded pretty fun. It was a collection of Shakespeare plays all mashed together. The fun part came with how the executed some of the "special effects". When the girl had to cry, a stagehand came out with a spray bottle and gave the girl a few shots in the face. Or the balcony scene was the actress perched atop a stagehands shoulders.
Saturday: H had a photoshoot at our apartment. She does mostly nude shoots so that means I'm not allowed to watch or really show myself at all. So I hide in my room and play around. I spent most of the time mixing records. You know, the whole two turntables and a microphone thing, without the microphone. It was pretty cool. I could do no wrong, everything I put down was mixing with ease. That was until I ran out of records around the 140 bpm range. Then I went to listening to the iPod and working on my jigsaw puzzle. After that it was a trip to the Olive Garden. I've been reading around where people think the OG is a lame Itallian eatery, but I don't care, I've had "real" Itallian food and it was just too much for me. Too fancy I guess.
After the OG, we rented a couple of bad movies. We knew they were bad going in so our expectations were not so high. Jeepers Creepers 2 and a remake of April Fools Day. Jeepers was bad because they invloved the bad guy too much. In the first Jeepers, he was mostly a creepy voice over a CB radio. In part two, the bad guy looses most of the creep factor by showing himslef too much. The bitchey boyfriend was funny though. April Fools was just a bad movie overall. The first had an interesting concept with a fun twist at the end. This weak remake took 40 minutes to even start looking like the original. And when it came to the twist part, it looked more like the actors had rehearsed this scene about 30 times, and it was take 30 they used. Just no excitment to it and quite bland.
I also watched my beloved Minnesota Wild lose to Vancover. 2-0...boooo!
Sunday: Lazy day. I thought I was going to stay in the whole day, but we wanted Subway. Other than that, H slept most of the day. That gave me a chance to make the site changes she we discussed ealier. It's all new! Also wathed the Minnesota Viking completely crush the Packers. got me. It was 28-29 victory for the Vikes. At some points it was looking like a crushing was a coming, but no. And the Vikings only won because the Paackers missed a feild goal with just second left in the game. After that NASCAR time. My man Dale Jr. did pretty well the whole race, witch is unussual for him. Usually he starts strong, and fades to 10th or lower in the second half of the race. I think he came in 3rd or 4th. Good for him.
Monday: I'm at work now writing this latest entry. I'm off to get doughtnuts and juice.
Doggie Tom
Nov 5, 2008
Go Blue! and Go Marcie!
So, the elections were last night. Mr. Obama won, and I'm happy. We're still waiting for our senate race to be decided. Coleman beat Franken by less than 800 votes so that means it's automatic recount time. I don't get that part. All of our votes were read by this scanner machine. Did the machines get it wrong? Won't a recount turn up the same results? I'm sure there is much more behind it, but I'm not looking too deep into that. I'm sure one of my podcast or blogs will explain it better than I could research it.

In other news, my friend won her class in this fitness comp she was in at Myth Nightclub in St. Paul. Well, she's more my wife's friend so I don't have all the specifics. And I didn't go to the event either. Shows what kind of friend I am huh? Anyways, she won and that's cool. Story goes that she did this just to prove to herself that she could. Now she's going back to being just fit, not all ripped and shit. I'm happy about that. I liked her better when it still looked like I could take her in a fight.
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